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Country Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt News & Events ARABCOF-14,Virtual Session,November,28th,2024 MEDCOF-23,Virtual Session,from November,4th to November,29th,2024 ARABCOF-13,Virtual Session,June,3rd,2024 MEDCOF-21,Virtual Session,from April,29th to May,29th,2024 ARABCOF-12,Virtual Session,November 28th,2023 PRESANORD-20,Virtual Session,November 28th,2023 MEDCOF-21,Virtual Session,from November,8th to November,30th,2023 ARABCOF-11,Virtual Session,June 5th,2023 PRESANORD-19,Virtual Session,June 5th,2023 MEDCOF-20,Virtual Session,from April 28th to May 30th ,2023 ARABCOF-10,Virtual Session,1st&5th December,2022 PRESANORD-18,Virtual Session,1st&5th December 2022 MEDCOF-19,Virtual Session,from 4 to 30 November,2022 ARABCOF-9,Virtual Session,30th&31th May,2022 PRESANORD-17,Virtual Session,30th May 2022 ARABCOF-8,Virtual Session,6th&7th December,2021 PRESANORD-16,Virtual Session,6th December,2021 PRESANORD-15,Virtual Session,1st&3rd June 2021 . PRESANORD-14, Jeddah Saudi Arabia 27 November 2019. PRESANORD-13 will be held in Cairo, Egypt, from 26 to 29 November 2018, and hosted by the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA). PRESANORD-12, Online 21 to 23 November 2016 PRESANORD-11, Zagreb, Croatia, November 20-23, 2017 PRESANORD-10, Rome, ITALY from 21 to 23 November 2016 WORKSHOP ON THE ROLE OF CLIMATE INFORMATION AND SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF DECISION MAKING IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE & REGIONAL CONSULTATIONS ON CLIMATE SERVICES IN THE ARAB REGION 4-6 Octobre 2016, CASABLANCA, MOROCCO PRESANORD-09, Marrakech, Morocco, on 23-26 November 2015, kindly hosted by the Direction de la Meteorologie National of MOROCCO Consensus Statement MedCOF-5, Marrakech, Morocco, on 23-26 November 2015, kindly hosted by the Direction de la Meteorologie National of MOROCCO PRESANORD-08, ALGER, du 20 au 24 mars 2015 French version of the third edition of the Guide to Climatological Practices (WMO-100) MEDCOF-03 & PRESANORD-07; ANTALYA, TURKIA from 17 to 20 November 2014 Climate Data Management System Specifications (WMO No. 1131), 2014 CLIMATE OUTLOOK FORUM : PRESANORD-06 from 3 to 6 March 2014; Casablanca-Morocco WMO Regional Climate Centres in RA I designated designated Not Yet Links WMO web site WMO RCC website WMO GPC website Lead Centre for Long Range Forecast Verification System Lead Centre for Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble GCOS Surface Network Monitoring Center (GSNMC)
Country Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt News & Events ARABCOF-14,Virtual Session,November,28th,2024 MEDCOF-23,Virtual Session,from November,4th to November,29th,2024 ARABCOF-13,Virtual Session,June,3rd,2024 MEDCOF-21,Virtual Session,from April,29th to May,29th,2024 ARABCOF-12,Virtual Session,November 28th,2023 PRESANORD-20,Virtual Session,November 28th,2023 MEDCOF-21,Virtual Session,from November,8th to November,30th,2023 ARABCOF-11,Virtual Session,June 5th,2023 PRESANORD-19,Virtual Session,June 5th,2023 MEDCOF-20,Virtual Session,from April 28th to May 30th ,2023 ARABCOF-10,Virtual Session,1st&5th December,2022 PRESANORD-18,Virtual Session,1st&5th December 2022 MEDCOF-19,Virtual Session,from 4 to 30 November,2022 ARABCOF-9,Virtual Session,30th&31th May,2022 PRESANORD-17,Virtual Session,30th May 2022 ARABCOF-8,Virtual Session,6th&7th December,2021 PRESANORD-16,Virtual Session,6th December,2021 PRESANORD-15,Virtual Session,1st&3rd June 2021 . PRESANORD-14, Jeddah Saudi Arabia 27 November 2019. PRESANORD-13 will be held in Cairo, Egypt, from 26 to 29 November 2018, and hosted by the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA). PRESANORD-12, Online 21 to 23 November 2016 PRESANORD-11, Zagreb, Croatia, November 20-23, 2017 PRESANORD-10, Rome, ITALY from 21 to 23 November 2016 WORKSHOP ON THE ROLE OF CLIMATE INFORMATION AND SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF DECISION MAKING IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE & REGIONAL CONSULTATIONS ON CLIMATE SERVICES IN THE ARAB REGION 4-6 Octobre 2016, CASABLANCA, MOROCCO PRESANORD-09, Marrakech, Morocco, on 23-26 November 2015, kindly hosted by the Direction de la Meteorologie National of MOROCCO Consensus Statement MedCOF-5, Marrakech, Morocco, on 23-26 November 2015, kindly hosted by the Direction de la Meteorologie National of MOROCCO PRESANORD-08, ALGER, du 20 au 24 mars 2015 French version of the third edition of the Guide to Climatological Practices (WMO-100) MEDCOF-03 & PRESANORD-07; ANTALYA, TURKIA from 17 to 20 November 2014 Climate Data Management System Specifications (WMO No. 1131), 2014 CLIMATE OUTLOOK FORUM : PRESANORD-06 from 3 to 6 March 2014; Casablanca-Morocco